Massabesic High School's

Naval Junior Reserve Officer's Training Corps
By Cadet Wil

Massabesic High School is in Waterboro, Maine, a small town in the southwest corner of Maine. Last school year (1996-1997), it implemented the NJROTC program. It is run by :

NSI: Commander Michael Donlon, USN (retired)
ANSI: YNCS Peter Jordan, USN (retired).

Melinda Sinclair, our current Company Commander, fought for the program with the school board. Because of her persistence, MHS now has a NJROTC unit. Now, she has worked her way up the ranks, to acheive the highest possible rank in our company.
Attention! MHS ROTC cadets, click here for info on the Military Ball!

Other MHS NJROTC-related pages:

Pictures of Cadets, NSI, ANSI, and our unit.

Events This School Year

Click the letter to email MHS NJROTC

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This page is Copyright © 1998 Cadet Wil. The information on NJROTC, its goals, and ranks are courtesy of the Naval Science 1 textbook.